Scalp Fungal Infection: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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Scalp and hair health issues are often overlooked until they start affecting daily life. One major concern is scalp fungus, which causes itching, discomfort, and hair shedding. If left untreated, severe conditions can lead to permanent hair loss or baldness. Understanding the causes and knowing the right treatment methods for scalp fungus can help restore hair health.


What Is Scalp Fungus?

Scalp fungus, medically known as Tinea Capitis, is a fungal infection caused by dermatophytes. These fungi thrive in humid environments and attack keratin, the primary protein in hair and the scalp.

When the fungus infects hair follicles and the scalp, it causes inflammation, making hair weak and prone to breakage. This condition can cause permanent follicle damage, without proper treatment, leading to irreversible baldness.


Causes of Scalp Fungus

Humidity and Poor Hygiene

Thailand’s hot and humid climate, combined with improper hair-washing habits—such as leaving hair damp for long periods or insufficient cleansing—creates a perfect breeding ground for fungi. Sharing combs, hair tools, or accessories with others increases the risk of scalp fungus.

Environmental Contamination

Scalp fungal infections can spread through contaminated objects like pillows, towels, and even pets carrying the fungus. Additionally, wearing damp headgear, such as hats or headbands, for prolonged periods increases the risk of infection.

Weak Immune System

Individuals with weakened immune systems, such as diabetics, those on immunosuppressive medication, or people experiencing chronic stress, are more susceptible to developing scalp fungus because their bodies struggle to suppress fungal overgrowth.


Scalp Fungus Treatment Methods That Work

Topical Antifungal Medications

Medicated shampoos containing Ketoconazole or Selenium Sulfide can help inhibit the growth of scalp fungus. However, for severe infections, topical treatments alone may not be sufficient.

Oral Antifungal Medications

For more advanced cases, doctors may prescribe oral antifungal drugs like Terbinafine or Itraconazole, which are more effective in eliminating fungi. Treatment duration typically lasts between 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the severity of the infection.

Laser Therapy

Modern laser treatments can effectively target scalp fungus and control the infection. It also helps to stimulate collagen production in the skin, strengthen hair follicles, and reduce the risk of recurrence.
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How to Treat an Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss from a Fungal Infection

Maintain Scalp Hygiene

Proper scalp care is necessary to treat and prevent fungal infections. Use antifungal shampoos and massage the scalp gently for 3-5 minutes for the product to penetrate deeply. After washing, dry your hair thoroughly with a clean towel and use a hairdryer in medium heat to prevent moisture buildup.

Avoid Scratching Your Scalp

Itching is a common symptom of scalp fungus; however, scratching can worsen inflammation, create open wounds, and spread the infection further. This also increases the risk of bacterial infections.

Adjust Daily Habits

Avoid wearing hats or headbands for long periods, especially in hot and humid conditions, as they can trap moisture and encourage fungal growth. Strengthen your immune system by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep to boost your body’s ability to fight infections.

Do Not Share Personal Items

Avoid sharing combs, brushes, hats, towels, and other items that can transmit scalp fungus. Regularly disinfect your hair tools and wash pillowcases and bedsheets to eliminate fungal spores.


When Should You See a Specialist ?

If scalp fungus symptoms such as persistent itching and hair loss do not improve within 2-4 weeks of home treatment, seek professional help for accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment.
Those wondering how to treat an itchy scalp and hair loss caused by scalp fungus should seek the advice of a professional. Max Hair Clinic, a trusted hair transplant clinic in Thailand, offers advanced hair restoration solutions. With a team of experienced specialists using state-of-the-art technology, we provide effective treatments and advanced care so you can enjoy long-lasting results.

Get a free initial consultation today! Contact us at 083-289-1664 or via LINE: @MAXHAIR



  1. Scalp Yeast Infection. Retrieved on January 28, 2025 from

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